Friday, January 21, 2011

To done list...

Ok, I seriously need to get a better camera setup for my minis, my iPhone just won't cut it.

- One Reaper wolf for a member of my party in the Pathfinder game I'm playing.
I liked this mini, it had a lot of texture that I was able to have fun with. After this pic, I went back in and re-did the "shiny" parts where I missed some of the metal. I guess the primer wore off as I was handling it during painting. I also gave him blue eyes instead of the Bleached Bone ones in the picture.

- One Reaper Paladin, which is my mini for the same Pathfinder game.
I really like this mini. I had to resist the urge to make him completely burnt orange, so instead I basecoated him white, and did Bleached Bone shading to his armor, adding orange to his surcoat and helmet as accents. I also hit his shoulder pads and selected armor joints with Boltgun Metal and Chainmail as a highlight. Finally I used Shining and Burnished gold for the hilt and the cross on his shoulder.

- One Reaper Ranger with bow, which is my backup character in case my Pally gets killed.... :-)
Painting him was a real challenge, since I originally wanted him to be kind of stealthy and muted, but when I finished that color scheme, I realized that he blended in with the map, so I went the opposite way and ended up with a Blood Red cloak and a Hormagaunt Purple tunic/shirt. I'm really happy with the leather and the wood on him, and if the picture were better, you might be able to appreciate the different tones...

In Process
- One Reaper Ranger with scimitar for the same party member.

- One Reaper warrior for another member of my party.

Both of these models are pretty much done with basecoats, now I just have to do some highlighting and apply some washes to give them depth. I'll post pictures next time.

Up next, I get back to my rats as I just picked up a Plagueclaw Catapult for my Skaven army... woo hoo!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back, from outer space...

After a long period of neglect, I am restarting my blog... again..

A lot has happened hobby-wise since I last posted, so here's a quick recap:
- Skaven army has been built, primed and painting is progressing slowly. I have focused on my plague monks first, making all of their robes a uniform green...
- Space Marine ranks have swelled and are now well over 100, thanks to the most recent Bizarre Bazaar at GW Grapevine...
- My motor pool has been rounded out, with 3 Land Raiders (2 built) and enough Rhino chassis to transport the battle brothers. I also have 2 drop pods and 4 land speeders...
- I spent most of the year playing D&D, and I've painted up quite a few Reaper minis for my characters. Pictures to follow...
- I made my first foray into "sculpting" by making a Milliput base for my screaming bell figure (the first edition metal one)...
- I also made my first foray into scratchbuilding with my (still WIP) HellPit Abomination.

So, plenty of stuff to keep me busy... You'd think I'd be posting more... Well, here goes nothing again....